Each home and basement is different…and as a result Central Ontario Seepage Solutions Inc. offers various Cove Base® designs that can accommodate your specific basement contour.

Central Ontario Seepage Solutions Inc. Cove Base® is an integral part of the Water Trek Aqua Route® two-piece system. Unlike the one-piece variations that exist on the market today, Central Ontario Seepage Solutions Inc. Cove Base® two-piece design allows the Cove Base® to be wrapped around the corners of the basement and make fewer seams in the new drainage system, thus allowing for fewer potential leaks. The various Cove Base® designs can hug a wall and channel water from the wall to the sub-floor Water Trek Aqua Route® system.

It can create a virtual airtight fit on most if not all foundations thus eliminating potential radon gas, sub-floor smells or insects from entering the living space. At the same time it enables water from above (on the wall) to drain into the Water Trek Aqua Route® system under the floor.

The various Cove Base® designs can be applied on any footing configuration and are easily adaptable to all sub-floor conditions. The slots on the bottom allow water from the footing to pass to the Water Trek Aqua Route® system.